
QwickACCESS for IGEL - Frequently Asked Questions

How do you change the default configuration on the RFIDeas proximity badge reader?
  • QwickACCESS automatically configures the reader on startup using the reader.hwg+ file located in the /custom/qax folder. To change the default settings, use the tool provided by RFIDeas to create a new .hwg+ file with the new settings and name the new file reader.hwg+. Use this to replace the existing reader.hwg+ file in the /custom/qax folder.


    QwickACCESS must be restarted for the new settings to take effect.


    If workstations use different proximity badge reader configurations, the readers may read the same proximity card ID differently and the user will be forced to re-register their proximity badge when traveling between these workstations.

How do you replace a file using IGEL Universal Management Suite?