
Settings and Considerations for Epic 2018 and Newer

When installed with Epic 2018 and newer, the new plugin always has logging on by default and will log to "C:\temp\logs" folder by default. This can be changed by editing the "log4net.config" file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\HealthCast\HCILoginDevice\Epic2018" folder with notepad.

It is currently configured to create log files per user connection and will log it in the format of:


The log files roll over to a max of 10. Each log file will only grow to 100k creating a max log files size for each user of 1Meg total.

The location in which log files are saved can be changed by editing the value in the following line:

value="C:\Temp\Logs\${CLIENTNAME}_${USERNAME}_log.txt" />


It can be changed to log to a UNC path, however all users will need the following permissions:

  • Read Attributes

  • Write

  • Delete

The number of roll backup files can be changed by editing the value in the following line:

<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />

The file size of each file can be changed by editing the value in the following line:

 <maximumFileSize value="100KB" />

The logging can be turned off by setting the value in the following line to "OFF"

<level value="DEBUG" />

Debug Logging Epic 2017/2015

To enable logging, add the following registry setting on the endpoint workstation registry.


Only the Hyperspace instance connected running from or on the endpoint workstation with this setting will create log files.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HealthCast\ExactAccess\TFA Settings]

This setting will be recognized by the following components running on the Citrix server:

  • hciepicsessionmgr.exe

  • HCILoginDevice.dll

  • HCITFAUI.dll

  • xaRemoteNotify.exe

They will log to the following folders and files on the Citrix server:



