
Registry Settings

These are the registration settings that can be modified to meet the organization's needs.

Secure Hyperspace

To configure settings to secure Hyperspace when SPD is loaded you need to modify the following registry settings.


These are not typically used since this functionality can also be set in Hyperspace.

  1. To enable SPD to secure Hyperspace, set the following registry value to 1:



    The above setting should only be applied where Hyperspace is installed. This is typically on a Citrix server where Hyperspace is published.

    MSI Command-line Setting SPD_SECUREEPICENABLED can be used to set at install.

  2. To set the EDManager object used to secure Hyperspace, set the EDManagerClassName value to one of the following:

    1. 2015 is ED82.EDManager

    2. 2017 is ED83.EDManager

    3. 2018 is ED84.EDManager

    “EDManagerClassName” = “ED84.EDManager”


    The above setting should only be applied where Hyperspace is installed. This is typically on a Citrix server where Hyperspace is published.

    MSI Command-line Setting SPD_EDMANAGERCLASS can be used to set at install.

Exit Button

Set "ExitVisible" to "True" to display a button to allow the user to exit. By default this is set to "True" showing the Exit button. This button might not be needed if user can close the website by pressing ALT + F4 or can use some other method to close the browser.


MSI Command-line Setting SPD_EXITVISIBLE can be used to set at install.


Use the following registry setting to configure a protocol used to open a URL on the SPD.


This is not likely needed with 1.2 and higher release since this is dynamically handled by supporting http-hci and https-hci configured protocols. It may be needed to open a local file as the following example setting shows.


MSI command-line Setting SPD_URLPROTOCOL can be used to set at install.

Browser EXE to Start


Only use the following registry setting to configure a browser other than the current windows default browser (e.g. Internet Explorer).


For Windows 10 use the following registry setting:

"BrowserEXE"="C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"


You don’t need to have your install expand the environment variable the application will do that at runtime, i.e. %ProgramFiles%.

MSI command-line Setting SPD_BROWSEREXE can be used to set at install.

Browser Command Line

The following are the default command-line settings used for the respective browsers. These settings put the browser in Kiosk mode and configure user settings to allow a new instances to run on the patient desktop. You shouldn’t need to change these settings unless you want to run the browser not in Kiosk mode.

"chrome.exe"="--kiosk --user-data-dir=%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Google\\Chrome\\spdesktop"
"firefox.exe"="-P \"spdesktop\" -no-remote"

Set “EnableDebug “ to 1 to enable debug logging.

A log file will be created in the following path:
