
Workspace Optimization Customization

The ExactAccess Client can be customized to meet the needs of the organization in terms of functionality to assist in day to day operations. Various features can be configured in the ExactAccess application Toolbar presentation and the ExactAccess application Desktop presentation, including application organization, function enabling or disabling, and logoff and closing behavior.

Below are the supported types of desktops for the ExactAccess solution and the customization options they offer.

ExactAccess Application Toolbar Presentation

ExactAccess Application Desktop Presentation

Kiosk Mode

The Kiosk Mode is configured onto workstations that are almost always shared. It is also a display and launchpad for SSO applications that allow multiple users to share a generic Windows account for fast switching of users. They are usually located in places that are convenient for users to work and usually serve as the primary front end for reaching Roaming or VDI workflow environments.

The functionality of the Kiosk Mode features can also be customized to suit the organization's daily operational needs. Options to enhance efficiency or processes in Authentication, Privacy Shield, Shell replacement, User Drive Mapping, and Logoff Cleaning can be configured.

See Kiosk Mode Workspace for available customization options.